7 pm April 26, 2024
Court Street Baptist Church,
517 Court St.,
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Nationally known Storyteller
Sheila Arnold will do a first-person portrayal of Civil Rights and Voting Activist Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer who rose from humble beginnings in the Mississippi Delta to become one of the most important and powerful voices of the civil and voting rights movements.
Court Street Baptist Church,
517 Court St.,
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Nationally known Storyteller
Sheila Arnold will do a first-person portrayal of Civil Rights and Voting Activist Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer who rose from humble beginnings in the Mississippi Delta to become one of the most important and powerful voices of the civil and voting rights movements.
Fannie Lou Hamer was an American voting rights activist and civil rights leader. She was instrumental in organizing Mississippi Freedom Summer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and later became the Vice-Chair of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, attending the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in that capacity. Her plain-spoken manner and fervent belief in the Biblical righteousness of her cause gained her a reputation as an electrifying speaker and constant champion of civil rights. From her days as a sharecropper to her violent entrance into being a full-citizen in the country, her story will charge students to stand and become active in our government and the causes of those neglected and overlooked.
Storyteller Sheila Arnold is a sought-after historical consultant for museums/exhibit designers helping to develop engaging stories from historical documents, artifacts, buildings and the historical use of land and water. She has presented/told/performed at educational conferences and teachers’ institutes, including Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute, Valley Forge Teacher Institute, Mt. Vernon Teacher Institute, Westchester Regional Social Studies Conference and other educational conferences in New York, Louisiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Mississippi, the National Council of Social Studies. In addition, she has appeared for many Teaching American History Grant programs around the country.
*AGAR is part of the VCA Passport Program for those in the WIC Program. Our performances are suitable for Women and Children over 12; not for infants or small children. For more information, call 434-989-3215 or click on this link below.
- $12 adults
- $6 students
- Free: VCA Passport*
- Pay at the door, cash or checks only; doors open at 6:30 pm.
- Advance tickets available at Eventbrite. Click on button below.
*AGAR is part of the VCA Passport Program for those in the WIC Program. Our performances are suitable for Women and Children over 12; not for infants or small children. For more information, call 434-989-3215 or click on this link below.